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Participating in speech & debate develops a wide range of skills.





+ Critical Thinking


Debate can increase critical thinking skills by as much as 44% (Akerman, 2011). Students learn to think analytically and logically.


+ Advanced Research Skills


Debaters who have later obtained advanced degrees say that their research efforts for high school debate were much more challenging than those required for their law degree, masters thesis, or dissertation (Parcher, 1998).


+ Higher Grades & Test Scores


Students who participate in debate on average score 25% higher than their peers (Mezuk, 2010). Debaters also score better on the SAT and ACT than their peers (Fine, 2001).


+ Confidence in Public Speaking


The #1 fear in America is public speaking, yet students who participate in debate learn to love public speaking and enjoy it. Debate teaches students to be organized, have persuasive delivery, and demonstrate confidence when addressing large groups of people.

+ Scholarships


Many colleges around the country offer scholarships to students for debate. These can range in value from a few thousand dollars to a full ride, depending on the institution.


+ College Success


Surveys indicate that over 98% of debaters attend college (Billman & Christensen, 2008). In addition, debate teaches students to be self-directed and motivated, ensuring success while pursuing higher education. One survey found that of 703 former debaters, 209 had more than one advanced degree. Additionally, four in ten had law degrees, four in ten had masters degrees and two in ten had a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree (Matlon).


+ Notable Careers


One survey found that of students who debated, 30% became university educators, 15% were top corporate executives and 10% were working in various branches of government. Others entered the clergy, started their own businesses, or became writers and publishers (Matlon). In fact, over 80% of all current members of congress competed at their school's debate team (Swanson).

+ Leadership & Character


Students who participate in debate become natural leaders. They learn to think for themselves, and communicate well with others. They also become responsible for their own success and typically go above and beyond what the teacher requires. One study found that high school debate decreased disciplinary problems among participants by 50 percent (Glanton, 2005).


+ Defense of Faith


Today’s students will soon become witnesses to those they encounter at college or the workplace. While it is crucial that the next generation have a strong Christian worldview, it is also important for them to be able to both communicate and defend this worldview. Debate allows these young adults to learn and hone their communication skills in a friendly, Christian environment.


+ Respect for Others


Competing in debate requires students to learn to respectfully disagree with opponents. Students learn how to listen to those who disagree with them, and have intelligent, respectful dialogues on controversial issues.

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